Monday, March 31, 2014


    This is the life of Liz Murray a little girl that was born in loving but drug-addicted parents in the Bronx. However, from the moment of her birth her life has not been very good. Liz was born with cocaine in her blood, her life was not as to that of any another girl, because, her parents did not take care of her and her sister  as they had to do it, on the contrary she had to go to find something to eat every day because the little money that her family had , her parents expended it buying drug. Growing up in poverty as the daughter of drug addicted parents, Liz Murray was destined to fail. Her family history included mental illness and homeless, the odds were staked against her. The exactly reason that I decided to choose this book is because it's based in a real story and this make feel exited in what is going to happen with Liz's life. I think she will do anything possible to help her parents get out of the drug-world and anyways, I think she will have go through many serious problems into her life, like to live surrounded by a world of drug-addiction and poverty and she will come to the point to think that suicide will be the better option to get out of her horrible world where everything had been dark color and without any hope.

Monday, March 24, 2014


"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles" ( Christopher Reeve).

     Christopher Reeve means with this quote that to be a hero we don't need to have special powers ,but everybody can be a hero just with the fact of trying to live helping people. And the most important thing is that  each person  needs to take forces from the obstacles and learn something of them to get up and keep going trying to do everything much better without blaming the life for the difficulties that it give us everyday during our whole life. I am totally agree with this quote, because heroes are not those who make great things just because they have some kind of ability, for the contrary heroes are those who make amazing things having biggest difficulties and taking from this some experience to improve their lives.  I could say that in my life I had to go through many difficulties that perhaps for some people it seen easy problems but anyways, for me these had been difficult circumstances in which everyday I have to wake up thinking that  another day is another opportunity to be amazing'. Since maybe I do not have the advantages that others have, but I have the desire of giving the best of me that is the most important. On the other hand I cannot come to understand why do not the people who has everything make use of the opportunities while others would like a more easier life. That why I say not matter if we have to much or a little in our hands, with what we have its enough to achieve what we  want. So you don't need waste time making excuses, just like your successes are yours, so too are your missteps. And in conclusion a hero is one who no matter how difficult things can be seeing she or he are able to do it and will come to get good results.

Friday, March 21, 2014


    It was a windy midnight in Times Square the year was 1976. Rain, Allison and Joehan were planning to go to zoo. Rain and Joehan wanted to go see the monkeys while Allison wanted to see the giraffe. All three of them, were really exited about going \that they could nor sleep. The net morning they went out for breakfast and then headed to buy the tickets to the zoo. In the line, there were thousands of people waiting to go in. Allison said " There is to much people, let's come back another day," but Rain and Joehan said" No! we can wait in line because we really want to see the animal." Two hours past and they finally got in the zoo, the first animal they saw were the lion. As Rain was walking away, she heard someone called out "please feed me" , as soon as she heard that she turned around but no one was behind her but the lion so she did not pay attention . They keep walking , the net animal was the monkey. The monkeys were hiding and they could not be seen right for the people to get a picture of them. Joehan noticed something was wrong with them so he stayed behind to see if they looked at him life if they were asking for help. Joehan looked at them and asked "what is wrong?" and out of nowhere one of the monkeys said "we are tired of being here, please take us back to Africa we miss our home place." He could not believe they were talking to him, so he asked again and once again got a response. Joehan them went running to tell Allison and Rain. At first Allison did not believe them but then Rain said "I believe its true, the lion also talked to me." The three of them did not know what to do but then they went to talk to the zoo administrators. They told the working people to go give the lion food, and to take the monkeys back to their home place. The administrator said " I'll take them back till you give me proof they can talk." So all of them went to see the monkeys and got proved that it was to true. When the day was about to be over, they went to see the monkeys one last time and the monkeys told them "Thank you so much." The three friends lefts proud of themselves for helping the animals.