Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Isabel Allende once said "Heart is what drive and determines our fate".This means the heart is what tell us what to do and which way to take. This quote is entirely true, because even though, common sense is what let us think clearly what would be better for us, but heart is what decides what to do anyways. This can clearly seen in Breaking Night in Liz Murray's life. Who every day is fighting with her feelings about what to do when her mind and her heart are giving her different choices. Do not give up your dream just because what people say about you, only do what your heart tell you, and let your dreams become a reality as Liz Murray who did  no matter where she came from and what people said about her she could achieve her dreams.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

I am Liz Murray

I am...strong and determined
I wonder what it feels like to be one of those kind of persons that have a perfect life
I hear that no matter where you came from you can accomplish whatever you want
I see poverty and desperation everywhere
I want happiness for all my family
I am... strong and determined

I pretend everything is fine with my mom
I feel the desire of be someone important in life
I touched the bottom of a miserable life
I worry about my mom's addiction to the cocaine
I cry everyday no because my horrible life ,but for my mom's disease
I am strong and determined

I understand that not everybody have a nice and easy life
I say if you make a effort you can achieve whatever you want
I dream that some day my mom will leave her addiction far from her
I try to live every day without getting weak
I hope some day my life can be different
I am strong and determined